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18 responses to “About

  1. You are a miracle and inspiration to all who are lucky enough to be part of your life. I love you!

  2. Vicky

    Hey Sodium Girl!

    Just heard about your blog from a mutual acquaintance who was at your wedding. She raved about the food. She shared your story with me and urged me to check out your blog.
    My husband and I contracted MRSA last year and through prayer, essential oils and eliminating sugar from our diet we got rid of it. Praise God!
    I am postive what we eat makes such a huge difference in our lives and I look forward to trying some of your recipes. We could all use less salt.

  3. Christina

    I came upon your site when Googling “shabu shabu low sodium”. I was getting frustrated trying to find something to satiate my craving for a warm winter soup or stew that didn’t have a lot of salt or cream. I’m on prednisone for Minimal Change Disease (go kidneys!) and this low-salt lifestyle is a big change. It’s good to know that there’s a blogger out there trying to come up with tasty low sodium recipes. It seems like there just aren’t enough. Thanks for everything.

    • Hi Christina! I absolutely love that you Googled “shabu shabu low sodium.” You are a woman after my own heart. And please do check out some recipes for tummy-warming, low sodium soups on the blog. As always, if you have any requests or questions, feel free to send them my way. Welcome to Sodium Girl and remember to always chow on!

  4. Laura

    Hi Sodium Girl,

    I’m totally blown away and grateful I’ve finally come across something so well informed in low sodium as you.

    I’ve been on the low sodium thing for about 9 months now after being told sodium was probably the cause of my crazy and debilitating dizzy spells.

    Like you, it’s opened up this whole new world of exciting food and a love of cooking and experimentation. The worst part for me is dining out – it’s an anxious experience and something I don’t often try doing because I always feel they won’t totally understand just how restrictive my meal will need to be.

    I have only just started reading your blog (about 20 minutes ago!) but am smitten, and wanted to say congratulations on the book deal!
    I’ll keep checking back on this for sure. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and ideas, it really does mean a lot.

    Laura, London

  5. Hi,
    Thanks for a beautiful blog showing how healthy eating can be delicious! As a foodie and dietitian I really appreciate what you are sharing here. It’s fantastic!

    Be well,

  6. Barbara

    I am a congestive heart failure patient who has to eat low-sodium and limit my fluid intake. I’m following you on Google Reader and just want to say thank you for being here! I love to cook, and I’m excited about finding some new tricks here!

  7. I’ve been looking all over for a site just like yours. I was starting to feel positively ancient as I will soon be going in for open heart surgery and most of the information and stories out there are from/for people who are much older than me. I am extremely grateful to everyone who is willing to share their tips and experiences online but I so so appreciate hearing all of this information from a youthful perspective. I just found your blog and I can’t wait to read through all the recipes. Everything that I have seen so far has been just the sort of perfect details I was hoping to find! xoxo

  8. Milt

    What ever happened with Project Bacon? I stumbled across your blog while looking for sodium-free bacon. Thanks

  9. Alison Ashton

    Hey, Jessica!

    I’m trying to get in touch with you to set up an interview for a story I’m writing. What’s the best way to reach you?

  10. Andelynn

    Sodium Girl – God bless you!!! What a wonderful website so full of great recipes and advice! I am so grateful to have found it! My husband was diagnosed with congestive heart failure just a few weeks ago and has had open heart surgery – and is only 38 years old! Needless to say, we are doing fine and are hard at work making necessary life-style changes like eating a low-sodium diet. My husband is a chef, and thankfully he is much less intimidated by learning our new menu than I have been. I stumbled upon your website quite by accident and after reading through some of your posts and looking at a few recipes, I am thrilled to bookmark for frequent future use.

    Thank you again,

  11. Laura

    Hi Sodium Girl! I just wanted to tell you that your recipes and your story really touched my life. I just turned 25 and I was, like you, diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosis over a year ago, but I did not have kidney problems until a couple of months ago. My body just started filling with fluid so fast that it was leaving horrible stretch marks, and then all the sudden quite a lot protein spilling in my urine. So unfortunately, as you probably know and have experienced, my Dr. put me on prednisone for several months to jump start my kidneys and I was already taking a diuretic. So after I got off the prednisone I decided that I wanted to do everything I could to be as healthy as possible so that I wouldn’t have to take a chemotherapy drug or dialysis. Then, I was flipping through one of my Mom’s mags (I think it was Better Homes and Gardens) and saw your article. I then immediately went on your website and pretty much eliminated all sodium from my diet. The results were extraordinary! The fluid, especially around my trunk, is almost gone! I was amazed! I also almost immediately started feeling better. I didn’t feel so tired and I just had a good overall feeling of wellness! I am going back to the rheumatologist in a couple of weeks so he can do another blood test and urinalysis to see in the protein has increased. So I am praying for better results! Thank you again for your site and the recipes that you have provided!

  12. Doris N

    I am really enjoying your blog. Was wondering if you have a cook book out. Would be interested in purchasing it. Thank You

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